Thursday, November 17, 2005

Surely this is all getting just a bit silly now

Over in Poznan, they've followed in the footsteps of Kaczynski's Warsaw and banned a gay pride parade planned for Saturday.

Apparently, a group of people wanting to protest against discrimination are a serious threat to public security and property. Obviously.

It's enough to make me want to book a train ticket and join in; it's bound to go ahead anyway.

More with the beatroot and Aaron.


At 6:46 pm, Blogger Becca said...

Welcome back Bill.

I've heard similar views from a couple of people, and while I sympathise with the idea that such parades could be seen as divisive I think this ignores the central point of such parades.

A gay pride parade is a protest against the discrimination gay people face all the time.

Yes, we need a tolerant society but a tolerant, aware society, which respects the rights of all minorities and if that means groups wish to make their pride public, that should be up to them.

An inclusiwe society doesn't equal a society where everybody is the same, but a society where everybody has the same rights. Until this is a reality, groups that are disciminated against should be given the right to protest.

At 3:27 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But isn't Poland a gay country? We've always looked at Poland as being full of gays.

At 5:08 pm, Blogger Becca said...

why is it always the anonymous ones who leave such insightful comments?

At 10:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

however bill has a point when he points out that in the effort to be Tolerant to one group, one or more groups are then discriminated against. for example, if a a group of white americans, or europeans for that matter decided to hold an event to celebrate the virtues of being white, the parade would be banned under the pretense of racism, supremisism, or even nazism. all peoples face some kind of discrimination or another, parading it about only helps when it opens peoples eyes to the problem, and brings about a way to rectify the issue. many of these parades, pride, abortion, black, asian, protestant, catholic, are organized in such a way to cause the most contraversy, not to raise awareness. over time these puplic displays tend to breed more anamosity than understanding.

At 2:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve's right with this. Gay parades in the US are often frowned upon and it stereotypes those involved from society. Gay pride? That's fine, just keep it private. As a matter of fact, ALL sexuality should be kept private. It is none of my business if my co-worker is homosexual, which he is, and we leave it at that. Even he is against these silly "gay pride" parades. So, what if we had a heterosexual pride parade? The ACLU would be crawling all over us.

At 9:11 pm, Blogger Becca said...

I understand those points against such parades but I still think banning them is the wrong approach. Show people they are not discriminated against on the basis of their sexuality and maybe they won't feel the need to demonstrate their pride.

At 3:07 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are dead on with this, Becca. Also, by banning the parades, we're merely attracting attention. I support letting them have their parade - just don't come in waving condoms and dildoes. That's just being stupid on their part. This actually went on at a recent gay pride parade in San Francisco. They were also passing out pamphlets to the public that contained graphic footage of men having anal sex. Disgusting. Keep it all private, I say. Bottom line: no real need for a gay pride parade, but if you do it, do it without the un-necessary graphics, flyers, etc.

At 10:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can live with gays - how come they can't live with me?"

that says it all

At 9:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you piss off a queer?

Wipe the shit off your dick onto his curtains.


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